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Making an image a link - classic Google Sites

Many classic Google Sites users want to know how to make an image a link in classic Google Sites. Learn how to remove and edit the link on an image with these instructions.

Remove Default Automatic Link to Image

  1. When you add an image to the page Google Sites automatically makes the image a link to the image itself, so select (or click) the image

  2. You will see the Image Option dialogue box appear (it contains both the link information, alignment, size and wrap options): use the upper Remove link - this removes the automatically added link to the image itself.

  1. Use the Insert menu and Image to add your image to the page

  2. Select (or click) the image and you will see the Image Option dialogue box appear: use the Change link

  3. Either choose the page you wish to link to or go to the Web address tab and add the URL you want to link to

  4. Use the OK button and your image will now link to the page or web address you chose.

Remove a Link from an Image

  1. Select (or click) the image and you will see the Image Option dialogue box appear (it contains both the link information, alignment, size and wrap options)

  2. Use the upper Remove link and the image will no longer link to anything.

If you want to make an image already on the page a link the easiest way to do this is to remove the image and re-insert it, so you can follow the steps above in Make an Image a Link .

Only use these instructions if you want to hand code the link in HTML

  1. Use the Insert menu and Image to add your image to the page

  2. Once added to the page Google Sites automatically makes the image a link to the image itself, so you need to alter this link to point to the website you want: to do this you need to use the HTML button to edit the HTML around the image.

  3. Once in the HTML find the

  4. <a href="..."> </a>

    1. around the image and change the contents of the

    2. href="..."

    3. to the web address you want.

  5. If you want to add an alternative text tag to your image, so if the image does not load or someone with visual impairments using a screen reader can sill get the information the images conveys add

    1. alt="Alternative Text"

    2. to inside the

    3. <img >

    4. tag.

    5. Note: do not try to describe the image, but what it's there for, e.g. if it's a link to Google Sites then make the alternative text "Google Sites".

  6. If you want to give more information of where the image link will take you then add a title attribute to the link: to do this add

    1. title="descriptive text"

    2. to the

    3. <a href="...">

  7. If you want the link to open in a new window then add a target attribute to the link: to do this add

  8. target="_blank"

    1. to the

    2. <a href="...">

See the examples on the right to see specifically how it's done done.

Image Options Box in classic Google Sites

HTML code for it is:

<a href="" imageanchor="1"><img src="" border="0"></a>

Change the

<a href="" imageanchor="1">


<a href="">

To add the title to the link and alternative text to the image you should produce something like:

<a href="" title="Google Sites - free websites and wikis"><img src="" border="0" alt="Google Sites"></a>

To remove the link from the image you should remove the highlighted code:

<a href="" imageanchor="1"><img src="" border="0"></a>

So you're left with:

<img src="" border="0">

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